Bachelor of Education

EPA111 Introduction to Educational Planning
EFA100 School Organization
COM161 Academic and Literacy Skills (Education)
ICT121E Computing and Information Skills Fundamentals I
EFF110 Introduction to The History of Education
EFH100 Foundations of Counselling
EPE114 Introduction to Education
EFP100 Introduction to Educational Psychology
EFA200 Managing Quality Schools
COM162 Academic and Professional Communication (Education)
ICT122E Computing and Information Skills Fundamentals II
EFH104 Helping Relationship Skills
EFP101 Foundations of Developmental Psychology
EFS104 Introduction to Procedures for Assessment of Disabilities
EPA200 Personnel Policies and Decision Making
EPA203 Theories of Leadership & Supervision
EFH201 EFH201 Counselling Over A Life Span
EPA201 Classroom Management
EPA202 Managing Educational Resources
MGT200 Organisational Design & Development
EFH200 Group Work Counselling
EFR200 Introduction to Measurement in Education
EFF210 Introduction to Sociology of Education
EFF410 Philosophy of Education
EPA302 Introduction to Educational Research
EPA303 Planning & Management in Education
EFP301 Adult-Child Interaction and Cognitive Development
EPA304 Advanced Investigation in Education
EDT310 Instructional Material Production
MGT410 Negotiations and Conflict Management

Bachelor of Business Administration

AF401 Accounting I
AF402 Accounting II
MS411 Cross-Cultural Interaction
ENG401 English I
ENG402 English II
ENG403 English III
GL405 Economics
AF412 Foundations of Finance
GL421 International Law for Business
MS431 International Trade Environment and Development
MS435 Project Management
MS437 Service Operations
MS438 Consumer Behaviour
MS441 Development and Marketing New Products
GL452 Economics of Competitive Strategy
MS401 Business Management
AF436 Global Financial Management
MS452 Global Marketing Strategy
AF438 Investment and Portfolio Management
MS455 Human Resource Management
MS458 Marketing Communications
MS459 Marketing Management
GL480 Management Information Systems
MS461 Business in China
MS463 Entrepreneurship
GL450 Business Law
MS465 Management of a Growing Business
MS471 European Business
MS472 China and the Emerging Economics
MS480 Organisational Behaviour

Bachelor of Business Administration in Applied Economics  

AF401 Accounting I
AF402 Accounting II
MS411 Cross-Cultural Interaction
ENG401 English I
ENG402 English II
ENG403 English III
GL405 Economics
AF412 Foundations of Finance
GL421 International Law for Business
MS431 International Trade Environment and Development
MS435 Project Management
ECO305 Applied Econometrics
MS438 Consumer Behaviour
ECO306 Asia-Pacific Economics
MS401 Business Management
AF436 Global Financial Management
ECO236 Crisis Economics
MS473 Innovation and Commercialisation Strategy
MS455 Human Resource Management
ECO315 Public Finance
MS459 Marketing Management
ECO316 International Trade
ECO317 International Financial Economics
MS461 Business in China
MS463 Entrepreneurship
ECO325 Money and Banking
ECO366 Business Economics Internship
ECO385 Economics of Entrepreneurship
ECO406 Economic and Business Forecasting
MS465 Management of a Growing Business

Bachelor of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship

AF401 Accounting I
AF402 Accounting II
MS411 Cross-Cultural Interaction
ENG401 English I
ENG402 English II
ENG403 English III
GL405 Economics
AF412 Foundations of Finance
GL421 International Law for Business
MS431 International Trade Environment and Development
MS435 Project Management
MS437 Service Operations
MS438 Consumer Behaviour
MS441 Development and Marketing New Products
AF441 Start-Up and Venture Capital
MS401 Business Management
AF436 Global Financial Management
MS452 Global Marketing Strategy
MS473 Innovation and Commercialisation Strategy
MS455 Human Resource Management
MS458 Marketing Communications
MS459 Marketing Management
MS474 Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management
MS461 Business in China
MS463 Entrepreneurship
MS481 Open Innovation and Collaboration
MS465 Management of a Growing Business
MS471 European Business
MS485 Entrepreneurship and Design Thinking
MS480 Organisational Behaviour


Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance 

AF401 Accounting I
AF402 Accounting II
MS411 Cross-Cultural Interaction
ENG401 English I
ENG402 English II
ENG403 English III
GL405 Economics
AF412 Foundations of Finance
GL421 International Law for Business
MS431 International Trade Environment and Development
AF501 Business Finance
AF505 Corporate Finance
AF511 Fixed Income Securities
AF513 Introduction to Futures and Options Market
AF520 Investment Management
AF530 Advanced Financial Planning
AF531 Business Valuation Using Financial Statements
AF533 Banking and Credit
AF535 Financial Forcasting
AF536 Financial Markets in China
AF540 Financial Risk Management
AF550 Management of Financial Institutions
AF551 Multinational Finance
MM590 Information Systems and Business Organisations
AF581 Accounting Decision Management
MM591 Human Resources Practices and Development
AF592 Personal Financial Planning
AF593 Global Finance
AF594 Investment Management
AF596 Computation Methods for Finance

Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing


AF401 Accounting I
AF402 Accounting II
MS411 Cross-Cultural Interaction
ENG401 English I
ENG402 English II
ENG403 English III
GL405 Economics
AF412 Foundations of Finance
GL421 International Law for Business
MS431 International Trade Environment and Development
MS435 Project Management
MS437 Service Operations
MS438 Consumer Behaviour
MS441 Development and Marketing New Products
MK463 Selling and Sales Management
MS401 Business Management
AF436 Global Financial Management
MS452 Global Marketing Strategy
MS473 Innovation and Commercialisation Strategy
MS455 Human Resource Management
MS458 Marketing Communications
MS459 Marketing Management
MK465 Integrated Marketing Management
MS461 Business in China
MS463 Entrepreneurship
MK464 Fundamentals of Public Relations
MS465 Management of a Growing Business
MK467 Event Marketing
MK470 Customer Relationship Management
MK475 Strategic Marketing Management

Master of Business Administration

MS531 International Marketing Management
MM568 Contemporary Human Resource Management
AF512 Strategic Financial Management
GL511 Corporate Social Responsibilities
MM571 Business Policy & Strategy
MM575 Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
GL535 Managerial Decision Making
AF521 Financial Control in Management Control Systems
MM542 Contemporary Management Issues
MM585 Strategic Operations Management
PJ590 MBA Dissertation

Master of Business Administration (Arts and Cultural Management)

                      MS531 International Marketing Management
                      MM568 Contemporary Human Resource Management
                      AF512 Strategic Financial Management
                      GL511 Corporate Social Responsibilities
                      MM571 Business Policy & Strategy
                      MM575 Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
                      CM521 Managing Cultural Projects and Events
                      CM528 Arts Fundraising and Sponsorship
                      CM530 Managing Arts in Community Setting
                      CM535 Creative Industries
                      PJ590 MBA Dissertation

Master of Business Administration (Accounting)

MS531 International Marketing Management
MM568 Contemporary Human Resource Management
AF512 Strategic Financial Management
GL511 Corporate Social Responsibilities
MM571 Business Policy & Strategy
MM575 Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
GL535 Managerial Decision Making
AF521 Financial Control in Management Control Systems
AF531 Managerial Accounting
AF532 Corporate Reporting
PJ590 MBA Dissertation
MM542 Contemporary Management Issues
MM585 Strategic Operations Management
PJ590 MBA Dissertation

Master of Business Administration (Commercial Management)

MS531 International Marketing Management
MM568 Contemporary Human Resource Management
AF512 Strategic Financial Management
GL511 Corporate Social Responsibilities
MM571 Business Policy & Strategy
MM575 Organisational Behaviour and Leadership
CM511 Commercial and Contract Management
CM515 Financial Basics for Commercial Management
MM542 Contemporary Management Issues
CM520 Strategic Commercial Management
PJ590 MBA Dissertation

Doctor of Business Administration

MGT7011 Business Research Analysis and Design
MGT7023 Qualitative Research and Experimental Design
MGT7121 Statistical Analysis for Management Research
BAF7225 Advanced Financial Management
BAF7653 Advanced Topics in Economics for Managers
BAF6106 Contemporary Issues in Financial Reporting & Corporate Disclosures
MGT7132 Strategic Management of Information & Organization in Digital Economy
MGT7994 DBA Thesis I
MGT7996 DBA Thesis II
MM542 Contemporary Management Issues
CM520 Strategic Commercial Management
PJ590 MBA Dissertation